Friends of Parks and Nature 2025 Remote Travel Fuel Subsidy Grant R2

This is a preview of the Friends of Parks and Nature 2025 Remote Travel Fuel Subsidy Application form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


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Applicants: please note


Before completing this application form, please read the program guidelines and FAQ's.

The first section of the application form is designed to help you, and us, understand if you are eligible for a fuel subsidy grant. It is crucial that you complete these questions first to ensure you do not waste your time applying for an unsuitable grant. If you have any questions in relation to the eligibility criteria please contact us.

Other things to note

Incomplete applications and/or applications received after the closing date will not be considered.

Successful groups (‘grantees’) will enter into a grant agreement with DEW which outlines the conditions of the funding. The standard Grant Agreement Template is available for you to read prior to submitting your application.

Groups that are not incorporated will require sponsorship and this arrangement is required to be confirmed in writing. A template letter confirming sponsorship is available for download here: Sponsor Body Agreement Template

Contact Us

For help, please contact us via email: 

If you need to contact us at any stage during the application process, please quote your application number below:

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Confirmation of Eligibility

I confirm the applicant...

  • has read and understands the program guidelines.
  • is able to demonstrate alignment between the fuel subsidy and their park's approved annual work plan activities and can provide NPWS Liaison Ranger contact details.
  • is an incorporated organisation, or is sponsored by an incorporated organisation for the purposes of this application.
  • is submitting the application for activities approved by a DEW employee contact (e.g. NPWS liaison ranger) in accordance with the DEW Volunteer Safety Procedure, which covers the group for injury and public liability insurance.
  • does not have outstanding grant acquittals more than six months past their grant agreement deadline (unless prior approval has been obtained).
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